Sunday 6 October 2013


I absolutly dread when its time to remove any kind of glitter nail polish on my fingers, I dread it so much that I rarely even use it anymore even though I love the way it looks! So the other day I was wearing a really pretty heavy glitter on my nails which I was wanted to take off because I wanted to try out my new Give me Spring Break nail polish by Nicole by O.P.I. I decided to search the internet to try to come up with some kind of better way to remove it and I stumbled upon this neat trick!

Heres what you will need:

Cotton Balls
Mini Rubber Bands
Nail Polish Remover

Step 1: Soak a cotton ball in nail polish

Step 2: Apply to the nail

Step 3: Wrap a small rubber band around your nail and the cotton ball so it is directly on top of your nail

Step 4: Let sit for 2 or 3 minutes

Step 5: Remove the rubber band and cotton ball and swipe it across your nail

When I first read this I though ok well that seems logical as the longer it soaks the easier it would be to come off. When I took off the cotton ball and swiped it across my nail I found it worked really well, I still took a Q-tip and cleaned up the edges but overall it worked great! It was much faster and easier then scrubbing my nails like crazy to remove.

Sources: Glamour

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